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Why You Might Need A Financial Coach

Are you trapped in an avalanche of debt? Struggling to purchase your first property and feel like the bills just keep piling up? Don't worry, there are ways to break free!

Money can be a big source of stress for millennials, especially when it comes to budgeting, saving up for retirement, or some other large financial goal. If you've ever felt like your finances are spiraling out of control and that no amount of planning on your own will help bring them back in line - don't worry, you aren't alone. You may benefit from working with a financial coach who has the knowledge and skills to guide you through difficult money decisions and provide encouragement along the way. So let's take a look at why having a financial coach might be just what you need!

Lets start with habits and your relationship with money, in order to move forward you will need to take a brief look at the past to understand what you really do with your money and by doing that you can then find areas of weakness where you can improve. For example you should know with near enough accuracy as to where your money was spent in the last 12 months, most of the time as humans we all have some spending weakness where we might splurge a little (or a lot!). Knowing where your money has gone in the last 12 months gives you a good understanding of where it will go in future and thus you can determine your relationship with money, i.e. are you one to get money and get rid of it as quickly as you got it? Or do you tend to hoard money, saving it for a rainy day?

By resetting some of the bad financial habits you have inevitably picked up over your life, you can very quickly turn things around from living week to week, to having consistent savings growth in your account and then turn that into pursuing the dreams and passions you have always had. The problem we have in todays society is we often are never taught the basic fundamentals of handling money, so its no ones fault really that we are all just essentially winging it along our own journeys. But it really doesn't have to be hard, with a good plan and strategy anyone can literally turn their dreams into reality!

If some of this sounds overwhelming or daunting, never fear because your Financial Coach is here! I can help you define your money spending habits, calculate if you are ultimately spending more than you earn over a year, put a plan and strategy in place to help you on your journey, where ever that may be leading you. If you havent considered a Financial Coaching session and would like to find out more, you can book a free 15 minute consultation (button below) where we can talk through your situation and work out if a Financial Coach is best suited for you and your dreams.

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